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rIdeas & Planning

Low Poly Art:

Low poly art treatment.png

Pop Art:

pop art treatment.png

Vector Art:

vector art treatment.png


You have three very different ideas on for your treatments but all of which provide good starting points for your work. The first treatment being a low poly art style, could be a good start for you to experiment with, it's usually a starting point rather than a finishing point so would expect to see something a bit more developed when it comes to your full treatment in order to make it more unique. I also think your products for this treatment are quite ambitious, particularly the 3D products and your animation. Modelling an animal will be a challenge anyway, even using a low poly style, but then modelling and animating an animal in 3D is even more of a challenge and I'm not sure you would have enough time to do both. If this is an idea that you're really passionate about and want to move forward with, I would say that it does need to be more developed so there is a bit more personality and reflection of your in the art style but also that your ideas for your products are simpler just to give you the opportunity to get all three done and to a good standard within the production timeframe. 


Your second treatment is a bit more intriguing and something that I think you could have a lot of fun with. Although the art style is very obviously pop art there's a lot of different ways you can experiment with it including using patterns as shading and obviously colour to really develop your sense of style and practical skills. I think the products that you are going to create using this art style are good but I don't feel like your 2D product really fits with your other two ideas The other two ideas seem to experiment with typography but your animal doesn’t seem to use this. If you're going to move forward with this idea, it is going to take a lot of experimentation to find the right patterns and shading and find your own style and approach of creating this but I also think you need to develop your 2D product a bit more so it fits with the theme and the designs of the other two. 


Lastly, your third treatment uses Vector Art which would give you a good opportunity to develop your Adobe illustrator skills and be really creative with your character design as you are creating aliens rather than things that already exist. Your products seem a bit too simple particularly as they don't require things like lighting and shading and only use block colours meaning you are providing less opportunities to improve on these areas (which tend to be the areas which most artists struggle with to begin with) if you were to chose the idea. If you were to decide to use vector art for your final idea, your products need further development so you have opportunities to develop new or existing skills. 

Response to Feedback:

Reading through my feedback, it has been brought to my attention that my ideas are very ambitious and I am running the risk of not being able to finish everything I have planned to before the deadline. If I am to go ahead with this idea I will have to implicate changes into my ideas. An example of a change I could make could be modelling a 3D forest landscape instead of modelling an animal, as I have proven to myself that this might be difficult to execute in the time frame that I have.

The feedback regarding my second one page treatment has highlighted that my idea for my 2D outcome doesn't follow suit of my other ideas.

I will have to review and brainstorm new ideas if I am going forward with this idea. It has also made me realise that it would be good to experiment with typography and it may also be a fun project to go forward with.

Finally, the feedback I received for my third one page treatment has taught me this idea is as equally good and bad. It will give me the opportunity to experiment with new software and potentially new skills.

However, my ideas appear to be too simplistic and don't provide enough room for new opportunities. Also, I will have to conduct research and consider intellectual property as I have decided to include aliens in my design, this comes along with me having to create my own unique character and make sure that they do not resemble existing designs.


After considering all of my one page treatments I have decided that it would be best for me to go forward with 
the  Pop Art Style.


Final Treatment

Changes due to Covid-19

Due to the  Covid-19 pandemic we have been instructed to work from home, this means that I    do not have access to all of the software that  had planned to use.

I will be using my i Pad for digital drawing and using my laptop for a  series of  online software, such as Autodesk Sketchbook and Flipaclip.

We have been instructed that our products don't have to link to an art style so I will instead link my products together in other ways rather than sticking to the art style that I chose.

I have decided on this because there are many limitations on what you can do on the online softwares that we have access at home and I don't own any industry softwares.

SWOT Analysis:


During my experimentation I figured that that my best outcomes   came from   working with the low poly art style.  I was able to  exhibit the low poly art style efficiently. 

I captured the skill of portraying my reference images   and reinventing their  style into low poly art. I am able to clearly  transform image  styles by turning them into the low poly art style.

From a client's perspective I would say that my strengths would  again be, being able to  understand different art styles and how to create  them in other styles.


I am not confident in displaying the vector art style. I am not familiar enough with Illustrator which is why I think I didn't create the best outcomes, as it took me a bit to get used to the tools  and how to incorporate them into my experimentation.

I would like to gain more knowledge on   Illustrator, as it could potentially be an art style I want to work in.  I would need to work on including a variety of skills such as brush tool techniques in order to  be able to create   outcomes to the best of my ability. 

Skills that would be beneficial to me using the low poly art style would be being able to create completely original outcomes rather than working directly from reference images , and instead gaining inspiration in order to work freely using my own unique ideas.

From a client's perspective, I would agree that my experimentation with the vector art style isn't created to best it possibly could. I would suggest to the creative to work on  adding detail and depth.


When creating, I would have to consider how to   give my work uniqueness, something that makes my work recognisable. I could do this by  researching other artist's work and applying my own techniques to that style in which aren't already displayed in other creative's work.  I could potentially draw or sketch out  any ideas that I come up with, in a different format and then transform them into different styles. I could also combine different art styles  and create  original and unique pieces that  haven't been seen before.

I can use my strengths to help me utilise these ideas as I am already confident in understanding and switching between different styles. I might also use my strengths to my advantage  in order to improve on my weaknesses which I could then use  when creating pieces in my own style.


An obstacle   that may get in the way of me executing this idea  might be my lack of knowledge in certain art styles. I don't  have a full understanding of how to incorporate a variety of art styles as I haven't experimented in doing so, which means I might have to research and experiment in this area before I can move forward with it.

Something that I'm not already doing  would be actually finding the art style I work best in. I haven't experimented with enough art styles to know which one suits me most. 

My weaknesses expose me to threats such as not being able to  work in vector art. I may have the potential to create a great outcome using Illustrator but due to my lack of understanding of the software  it limits my options.

I may have to  consider conducting small experiments with other art styles to see how I can incorporate  them in my future ideas and plan them beforehand.




Screenshot 2021-03-05 at 15.46.08.png

Production Schedule

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